jueves, 30 de abril de 2020


Hello girls and boys! As you know, on Sunday is Mother's day. And they deserve to have a detail on your part (but shhhhhh, it's a secret, until Sunday you can't tell them anything). So we leave this sheet for you to complete and give it to the moms on Sunday. Please, CLEANING AND GOOD CALLIGRAPHY.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020


Good morning sunshines!! 

Today you will need the 2 books (creo que hay familias que aún no habéis recibido el paquete de libros, no os preocupéis porque creo que hoy ya hoy llegarán a todos, por si no fuera así, os adjuntamos la captura de pantalla del libro).

1. CLASS BOOK page 68
(Explicación de los ejercicios para los padres y madres para ayudar a los niños y niñas que
lo necesiten)
• Exercise 1 responder sobre el texto del ejercicio 2. 
• Exercise 2 no podemos adjuntar los audios del CLASS BOOK, así que solo leer el texto. 
• Exercise 3 ir al ACTIVITY BOOK, página 52. 

2.ACTIVITY BOOK page 52 you will need the CLASS BOOK →
• Exercise 1 poner un tic en la asignatura correcta. 
• Exercise 2 rodear o colorear la carita de los clubs que les gusten a cada niño o niña. 
• Exercise 3 completar con los datos de un club que cada niño o niña se invente (cómo se 
llama el club, dónde se reúnen,día, qué aprenden y material que traen o necesitan)


martes, 28 de abril de 2020


Hi there!!! How are you today?

We are going to continue with the unit 6. So, first of all, let's review the numbers:

1. Count by tens

2. Count by fives

3. Count by twos
4. Count by threes

5. Take the activity book and open it in page 51. Now you can do it alone! (intentad hacerlo de cabeza sin mirar la chuletilla, y si tenéis dudas podéis recurrir a ella).

Take care


lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Monday 27th April 2020-REVIEW UNIT 6


Hello everyone! how are you today? We hope you are great, surely now that you can go outside you are much better. Try to make use of the time outdoors to play, do sports ... hopefully soon we can go out as much as we want ... in the meantime ... TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND RESPECT THE RULES!

Today we come with the review of the unit 6 of the book.

Here you have some ↠GRAMMAR EXERCISES


jueves, 23 de abril de 2020


MOOOOOORGING EVERYONE, how are you today?
In Spain today we celebrate "San Jordi" most commonly known as Book Day.
In many places it is celebrated by giving a book and a rose.

Well, in the United Kingdom, Saint George's Day is celebrated, which has a very cool legend that we share below in the video.

SAINT GEORGE ACTIVITY (aquí también tenéis el vídeo y una actividad para ordenar la historia)

Remember you can sing, laugh, travel, scream, dance, dream, cry ... in silence. That is called READING.

A big hug to everyone.

We miss you


miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020


Gooooooood morning guys!! Maybe you know (or maybe not), that today (and all years in the 22nd of April) is Earth Day. Every day should be Earth Day, and we should take care of it and value it, since there is only one. Now we can see how the contamination is being reduced "thanks" to confinement ... something good had to have ... so today, we propose you to work a little bit on Earth, what do you think? LET'S BEGIN

TINY CARDS EARTH DAY (como siempre desde aquí se accede a las tarjetas que hemos creado sobre el tema, recordad que se pueden escuchar las palabras)

 We are going to share with you a few files related to this topic for you to do:
  1. RECYCLING SORTING ACTIVITY (no hace falta que imprimáis nada, la actividad puede simplemente pensarse, pero si queréis preparad tijeras y pegamento, y ya de paso unas pinturas, ya sabéis que las fichas siempre quedan más bonitas. Ahhh! y no vale mirar las respuestas ;) )
  2. WORDSEARCH (igual que en el anterior, no es necesario que imprimáis la ficha, así, también ayudamos a la Tierra)
  3. EARTH DAY COLORING BY NUMBERS (para hacer esta ficha si que necesitaríais imprimir, si no tenéis impresora, lo cual es totalmente entendible ya que yo misma no tengo, podéis repasar los colores en internet o en libros)

At home, everyone, we try to be as ecological as possible, trying not to waste water, recycling, using less plastic ... but it can always be improved, we suggest that you think of something you can do in your homes to help the Earth (en nuestras casas, intentamos ser lo más eco posible, pero siempre hay detalles que se nos escapan, así que ahora que pasamos tanto tiempo en casa, os proponemos que penséis cosas que se puedan mejorar en vuestras casas para ayudar a la Tierra a sanar, cuando volvamos al cole nos lo podéis contar y así entre todos y todas nos damos ideas para ser mas eco-friendly).

  1. WAYS TO HELP THE EARTH (completad con las ideas que tengáis, igual no se os ocurren todas justo ahora, pero si a lo largo del día, o la semana...)

We send to you all a los of chocolate kisses.


lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

Welcome back! REVIEW UNIT 4 Monday 20th of April 2020

Good morning everyone!!! 

How have the Easter holidays been for you? We hope great, that you have enjoyed  your time with your family, that you have taken care of yourself and that all of your family members and you are healthy.

We are continue great, eager to see you, as always. On Saturday the Government already gave us the good news that you can go out for a few moments to the street. Hopefully the next one is that we can go back to school.
We send you lot of kisses and energy to start this new week. Cheer up!!!

Today we suggest you work a little on Unit 4. Let's review!!!
First of all... let's remember Norman's story! Can you remember where Norman was???

Tiny cards sports TINY CARDS SPORTS
Tiny cards break time activities TINY CARDS BREAK TIME
Here you can find some grammar activities ↠ GRAMMAR ACTIVITIES
Short story with games Buzz&Bob's adventure

jueves, 16 de abril de 2020


Hello everyone, desde Oxford (editorial de los libros de English, nos han hecho llegar este email que puede seros de utilidad. Por eso mismo lo comparto aquí para que esté al alcance de todos vosotros y vosotras.
Espero que estéis pudiendo descansar estas vacaciones y desconectar del mundo.
Un saludo para todos y todas.
Esperamos veros pronto.

Desde Oxford University Press seguimos trabajando para ofreceros apoyo para que dispongáis de materiales digitales sin coste y podáis continuar la labor docente desde casa en esta situación de confinamiento.

Adjunto el enlace de OLB, Oxford Learners Bookshelf donde se ha habilitado un total de 148 lecturas de diferentes niveles.
Para acceder a ellas el único requisito es registrarse en la web, como reza el encabezamiento, se trata de: “Support for teachers, parents and learners during Coronavirus (COVID-19). Sign in or register for FREE access to 148 Graded Readers until 30 Jun 2020”

Este es el enlace:

Además podéis acceder a más material específico de Primaria en.

Ambas web (en inglés) están pensadas también para el acceso de alumnos y familias. En el caso de las familias quizás sea conveniente dirigirles hacia la parte de la web que queráis trabajar para que no se pierdan entre toda la información disponible (hay lecturas, vídeos específicos de recetas, historias, etc.)

viernes, 10 de abril de 2020

Good morning everyone, how are the "holidays"?

We continue at home resting to return with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm to school. We are looking forward to the moment. ;)

Today we come with a challenge, it is not an English challenge, but we assure you that it will keep the whole family for a good time looking for the answer.

You have to look in the picture:

1. A frog 

 2. A panda bear

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2020



Good morning Easter Bunnies!

As we did yesterday, we will post other activities related to Easter.

We hope you enjoy them and that you spend these days in the best possible way.

(Buenos días familias, os dejamos alguna actividad más de Semana Santa, como veréis, son todas lúdicas y para las cuales vuestros niños y niñas no necesitan ayuda, os las colgamos, básicamente, por que tengáis unos cuantos recursos por si las días de "fiesta" os dejan sin ideas de como pasar el tiempo. Os recordamos que todo lo que estamos haciendo es como repaso, no os agobiéis si no llegáis, cada uno tenéis una situación y entendemos que no podéis estar a todo. Por eso mismo no mandamos tareas sino pequeñas actividades como pasatiempo para rellenar el tiempo. Mucho ánimo a todos y todas, estamos con vosotr@s.)



EASTER WORDSEARCH (después de cada uno están las soluciones, para que no imprimáis esas páginas)


martes, 7 de abril de 2020


Today, April 7, is the international health day. And today, with the situation we are experiencing, all the health-care professionals are giving their 100 % from here we want to thank all of them for everything they are doing for us.


Okey okey... as we told you yerterday, here you have some clues about the riddles:

  1. C_T
  2. B_E
  3. L_ _ _ _ _ _ D
  4. H_ _ R
  5. K_ _ E
  6. G_ _ _ E
  7. C_ _ _ R
  8. Z _ _ _ A
  9. C_ _ _ K
  10. W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N
  11. L _ _ _ _ R  M
  12. P _ _ _ R
  13. M _ _ _ _R
  14. M _ _ _ _ R
  15. E_ _ S
  16. S_ _ _ _ W


Today, we propose you to do some Easter activities, since onThursday is already Easter. It will be an odd Easter break but this year all is unusual...Take holidays a little slower, spending time at home with family, cooking and eating together, doing exercise, learning new games, playing... 

Watch the Easter unicorn story (el enlace lo tendremos que actualizar día a día, por eso habrá veces que no os deje acceder, ya que es uno diferente cada día) THE EASTER UNICORN STORY

Book vocabulary ↡

More Easter vocabulary ↡

What do you think if ... we move the body a bit? we've been sitting too long, everyone upstairs and ... DANCE!

To finish, what do you think if we learn how to draw a fun Easter pug bunny?we will also try. Back to school we show you our drawings;)

Remember that we have to continue at home to be healthy. Enjoy family time.
See you soon.

We love you,



Here you have more Easter activities you can do.
  • Egg art 

  • Bunny pancakes


  1. Prepare mini pancakes.
  2. Arrange pancakes in three stacks of two pancakes each. Cut one stack in half.
  3. Arrange one stack as the body, one stack as the head, one of the half stacks as the feet, and the two half pancakes from the last half stack for the ears.
  4. Use a pastry bag, freezer bag with corner cut, or a small spatula to add yogurt details to the ears, feet, tail, nose, and eyes.
  5. Add sprinkles/jimmies for whiskers.
  6. Add a jelly bean for the nose.
  7. Add candy eyeballs (or dark jelly beans) for eyes.
  8. Add green jelly beans across the bottom for grass. 
  9. Add more jelly beans of different colors if you would like.
  • Household chores
 Well well, not everything is going to be working, this Easter, you are not going to have a lot of        homework, but a lot of free time. What do you think if we help mom and dad to do the household        chores? you can do many things.

lunes, 6 de abril de 2020



Good morning my boys and girls !! We start a new week. That means ... CHALLENGE.

First of all. Take a sheet (if it can be better recycled) and write down numbers from 1 to 15.
(antes de empezar, os recomendamos coger un folio, si puede ser en sucio, mejor y apuntad los números del 1 al 15, pues hay 15 adivinanzas)

The challenge is to see how many riddles you solve. Tomorrow I will give you some clues in case you don't know and on Wednesday the solutions.

We were delighted to see you at the Flipgrid with your Tongue Twister. You are the best!

Cheer up!
We are very proud of all of you.

Happy week

viernes, 3 de abril de 2020


We had talked about that we are in a new month?

It seems incredible that we are already in April. Another month to cross out on the calendar guys.

Today we come with the review of unit 3.

(remember that in front of, the meaning isn't "en frente", sino "delante")

As always we leave you some cards below and the tiny cards to review the vocabulary ↡



Searching on the Internet, you can see how people get their most creative side during this quarantine. Like for example this guy, enjoy it ;)

Have a nice weekend.


miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020



Today we come with the review of unit 2. As we are doing, it will not cost you much to carry out the activities. We just want you to review everything you have learned (which is a lot).

Cheer up!

Remember that you have access to all the material of the book in the Learning Zone. 

Some grammar practice ↠GRAMMAR PRACTICE



Take a look at the vicabulary that we have seen by clicking on the link. If you look, in the card, above the word there is a drawing of a speaker. Click to hear how the word is said (Fijaos que hay un altavoz arriba a la derecha de la carta, pulsad para escuchar la palabra)↠ JOBS VOCABULARY CARDS


GOOD MORNING EVERYONE HOMEWORK: ACTIVITY BOOK PAGE 77 Exercise 1 : listen the audio 164 and tick the crafts they like to ma...