We hope you are all great.
Os recordamos que desde aquí podéis acceder a todo el material para hacer los ejercicios de los libros (audios y vídeos) ↠MATERIAL LIBROS
Exercise 1 : Listen the chant twice (2) and say the chant to your family ( you can take the food they say and offer them to your family). You will find the audio in the folder AUDIOS ↠CLASSBOOK↠126
Exercise 2: you will need to listen the audio 127.Then, you have to tick or cross in the box depending what they say. You will find the audio in the folder AUDIOS ↠ CLASSBOOK↠127.
Exercise 3: listen the audio 128 and repeat what they say. You will find the audio in the folder AUDIOS ↠ CLASSBOOK↠128.
Be good guys!!!
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